Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Unknown Vocabulary

When we read, sometimes we don't recognize or undesrtand some words, and obviously the idea is don't use the dictionary; for that reason there are some strategies to answer this problem. The strategies are:

- Strategie 1: Ignore the unknown vocabulary items.
Here you have to skip over the unknown vocabulary and keep on reading. often you don't need to know all the words or phrases in order to understand the text.

- Strategie 2: Use your knowledge to infer the meaning of an unknown word.
In this case you have to make an inference to know the meaning of the word just using your knowledge; for example if it's a noun or a verb or simply your knowledge about the topic for undestanding the ideas in the sentences near to the unknown word.

- Strategie 3: Use associations to infer the meaning of an unknown word.
This strategie is very easy, you must to make associations between concepts, such us similarities, differences or cause-effect relationships. Use your understanding of other parts of the text to infer the meaning of unknown words.

- Strategie 4: Look for a definition in the sentence.
Sometimes the writers provide the meaning of the unknown word inmediately following the sentece. So you have to read a little more for understanding the meaning; but is important to know that they give the meaning almost always in a technical vocabulary.

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